Here you find some brief instructions for how to apply for funding from the Prosperous Future Grants electronic application system.

Read programme guidelines

Submit application

Results are announced
within apprx. 8 weeks

In case of project approval 85% of the grant is transferred upon signed contract.

15% of the grant is transferred after a report (content and financial) has been submitted and approved by the NCM.

End of project
When to apply
The application form is only available at the time when the programme is open for applications. See application periods and their closing dates here.
In order to prepare your application before the application round opens, you can preview the application forms. They are available as PDF documents and can be downloaded here.
Create a user profile
To start a new application and fill in an electronic application form, you will first have to log into your user account or create a user profile. You will have tocreate a user ID (your active e-mail address) and choose a password.
The data in your user profile will be automatically used in applications.
Please also note that you can use the same e-mail address only for one profile. You can also change your e-mail (username) later.
Messages concerning your application will be sent to the e-mail address you have chosen as your user ID. Also check your junk mail, because messages may end up directed to your junk mail filter. In order to avoid the classification of the e-mails as junk mail, you can add the e-mails sent to you through the application system on your list of safe senders. Try to avoid the use of Hotmail or Yahoo addresses. There have been problems with e-mails getting through their servers.
Choose a password that is easy for you to remember. A safe password is be at least 8 (eight) characters long, and contains at least 2 (two) numbers. For a strong password, combine upper- and lowercase letters. Never give your password to a third party and always keep it in a safe place.
Activating an account
After submitting the registration form, you will receive an activation e-mail with instructions how to activate your account. Now you can log into your user profile and start filling the relevant application. You can use the same account also for next application periods and applying for funding from different programmes.
Your user profile
Through your user profile, you will have access the electronic application forms and you can fill in applications to the programmes that are open. You can also see your previous applications and reports if you have applied for support before.
My account pages
My applications: You can see your current/pending and earlier applications.
Message archive: All messages sent from the Programme Management Body concerning your application/s and the application process will be saved on this page, e.g. messages concerning decisions and requests concerning different phases of the application process (if the application is granted).
My profile: The applicant information from. The information provided here is attached to your application as Project manager. Please make sure that the contact information is up to date.
Language of application
You can apply for support from the programmes only in English. It is of outmost importance that you formulate your application as clearly as possible so that nothing is left out of the translation or misunderstood.
Filling an application
To start a new application and fill in an electronic application form, you will first have to log into your user account or create a user profile. You have to first check that the information in My profile is correct.
Carefully follow the given instructions and guidelines as you fill in your electronic application form! Incorrectly filled fields will be marked with red. Some parts of the application will be automatically filled and calculatedfor your comfort.Please double-check the preview before finally submitting, though.
Your application will be automatically saved in real time , files browsed from your computer will be uploaded automatically - you do not have to save the form while moving between application tabs nor when exiting the application form. You can exit and continue later until you finally submit it to the relevant Programme Management Body.
Text fields and word counter
Most of the text fields in the application form have restricted requirements on the usage of words in a text. The system notifies you if you have exceeded the number of allowed words.
In order to submit your application all other documents need to be uploaded and attached to your application. The total size of the attachments that can be included to one application is limited (max. 5 MB). The system accepts the following file formats: .rtf, .doc, .docx, .ddoc, .pdf, .png, .jpeg.
Currencies and numbers
The budget must be given only in Danish krone (DKK). You can convert the sums into the requested currency with, for example, the XE Currency Converter at
Submitting the application
When the application is finished and you have checked that everything is in place, you can submit it to the relevant Programme Management Body. The application is sent from the last page of the application form. You can also preview your application. The applicant assures that all information filled in the application is correct.
You will receive a confirmation by e-mail that the Programme Management Body has received your application, and a PDF copy of your application will be saved in your user account as well as sent to you by e-mail attached to the confirmation letter. If you haven't received an e-mail confirming that your application has been received, you should check your junk mail and after that contact the programme administrator (Nordic Council of Ministers' Secretariat at
Application ID number
When you have sent your application, the system will give it an application ID number. If you need to be in contact with the secretariat concerning your application, you should refer to your application ID number. You will find the number in the letter of confirmation and in a notification that is saved in the Message archive of your user profile as well as in the PDF copy of your application.
Application processing time
The processing of the applications takes about 8 (eight) weeks from the closing date of the application period.
Notification of decisions
All applicants will be notified by e-mail of the decisions approximately 8 (eight) weeks after the application deadline. The notifications will also be saved in the applicant's message archive.
System requirements
Web browser: The application system is optimized to Google Chrome web browser. We recommend you to use Google Chrome, when you work with application forms and when you use the user profile. You should always use the latest version of a web browser. This will help you to avoid technical problems.
Java Script and pop-ups must be allowed: Many of the features in the application forms needs that Java Script and pop-ups are allowed in your browser. E.g. Internet Explorer can have as default the Java Script and pop-ups turned off. Please view your web browser's settings, if you have problems e g with the calendar pop-up feature.